Research process
Sources 2
<<how to shoot video that doesn't suck>>
I found the book<<how to shoot video that doesn't suck>> by Steve Stockman. I read the catalog of the book, and I chose 6 chapters that I think may help me to read.
The lens should be short
As short as possible,the change of lens can get the attention of the audience,do the recording in different angles and can transfer more information to the audience.try to make each lens shorter than 10 sce.
Edit in your mind
Before you start the recording,first get the idea about how it will look like in your mind. Familiarity with the process can help get better recording.improve your video editing technology,it will help to organize your recording.
To see the light
When you record, the light is a necessary condition.more light can make the contour of your recording object more clean. You can imagine a “Lighting line”,to make the light always behind you. remember to put the most strong light that is on site behind you and your camera.
Instructional video
When you make an instructional video,you should remember:
Just explain one thing: clear the theme.
Think about your voice: humorous, wise, a little funny…
Clear the steps: make the audience see clearly what you are doing.
Get rid of clutter: get rid all the things that didn't help to make your video better.
Find the key shot: the key shot is a summary of video content (for example put the saddle on the horse),it should have a very strong visual impact,to get the audience’s attention.
Don’t use terminology:you audience can’t understand it.
Cut all the parts that you don’t like. follow the rule of “less”,the part that you keep should be:good and have a reason to keep.cut the part that is away from the theme,don’t add the subtitles or special effects casually.
Dub in background music
Adding the music that fits the video can make it much more matter. Try boldly, add different music on the video.try the music that contrary to video content,maybe can get a better effect.
Those chapters have talked about the LENS,IDEAR,LIGHT,INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO,EDIT and MUSIC.the part instructional video was help a lot,it show how to make a good instructional video, it gave me some direction and warn about how to make it.the information in this book have some common ground with the video in source one,like music,light etc.and I learn something new about edit.it is a very good book for beginner,it use the brief word to inform the important information,it is very easy to understand and read in to it.